Monday, 24 January 2011

Hello, My Name is Heather and I'm Addicted to Blogs

I have been spending a lot of time on the CB blog as of late, redesigning and whatnot, so thought I should give this one a bit of love. Obviously nothing at all to do with the fact that I have to go and pick up my Avon books and its looking a bit grim out there. Nothing at all. Ahem. So, have you been feeling all lonely and neglected, dear blog? Missing your regular dosage of emotional vomit or textual diarrhoea?

No, I thought not.

So, whats been going on in my world, my imagination hears you cry? Not a lot, really. I'm  really going to have to start doing new and interesting things, I think.

Things at home have been pretty stressed and shitty since Christmas, but its slowly starting to get better now, so fingers crossed. Its mostly been down to redecorating the bathroom and my fathers lacking work ethic, which has had a negative impact on my mother, putting her in a foul mood, which has impacted on the rest of the house. It been a bit of a vicious circle really, but last night, the bath finally got sealed and the shower re-fittted, so now we just have the sink taps to go in, and to buy and put up a new cabinet, and its pretty much all done and shiny!

I applied for what seems like an awesome job at Warwick Castle as the Costume, Uniform and Staging Coordinator, which will be ideal for me if I get it. I always knew that getting a job in Costume was going to be tough, and a permanent one almost impossible, but something like this, that's full time and permanent, mixes history with costume AND gets me into numerous attractions for free is a rare opportunity that I really don't want to miss out on. I'll keep you posted, but you can read the job description here if you so desire in the mean time. Perfect, huh??

I have also taken on four new roads to Avon. I applied for it weeks ago, but they have only just got back to me. I'm going to start canvasing them this week, so hopefully I'll get a few more sales and make a consistent amount of profit rather than loads one campaign and none the next. My mother reckons I should give it up, that its too much time, effort and money to be worth it, but at the end of the day, I like getting the books and ordering the products. I'm not so good with the motivation in going out and doing my drop offs, pick ups or deliveries, but once I get out there, I'm fine. I think I'm going to make up an offer too, something like spend over £20 and get a free gift, just to try and boost my sales. Oooh, I also set up an Avon blog (YES I HAVE A BLOGGING PROBLEM) in which I intend to review Avon products. The main reason behind this is there have been a few products that I have really adored and wanted to share with people, and a few products that I have been really disappointed with, and I decided what better way to share my opinions on the products I have to sell than through the Avon Community itself. I haven't posted anything yet, and I don't know whether I ever will, but just to let you know, and I'll keep you posted.

I might redesign this blog. I really liked doing the CB one, and it looks so cute now! I don't know what to do though, a theme isn't so easy to choose for this blog than in is for one about baking!

I had better go pick up all my Avon orders now .... I'm going to predict 3 orders ....

<3 x

Films: 31

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