Sunday, 2 January 2011

Welcome to 2011

Happy New Year and all that jazz!

I'm not a huge believer in the whole 'New Year's Eve' thing; maybe because I've never been that much of a party-er, or that I don't like to conform to society's expectations, but most likely because I'm just plain lazy. None the less, I do believe strongly in New Year's Resolutions. I guess its something I'm a little obsessed with. I have to start new things at the beginning, whether its beginning of a week, month or year, and I convince myself that by doing so is the only way I will succeed.

Now, I'm sure that one of my first posts was a New Year's Resolution sort of thing, and there have been many other posts during the last year that were meant to serve as a kick up the bum to achieve my aims. Whether or not they worked (unlikely, regrettably) I do like documenting what is going through my head, so what follows are my Resolutions for 2011.

I'm so sick and tired of doing the same things all the time; always going to the same places, eating the same meals, baking the same things for the cake brigade, etc. I just want to shake things up a little, make life a little less monotonous. I'm going to say 'yes' more, and be a bit more adventurous.

This may seem a little ridiculous, as I can be quite girly as it is, but I just want to look after myself a little better. I'm going to drink more water to get rid of those bloody headaches and improve my complexion, use face masks and moisturisers to make my skin look better, and exercise little and often to improve my health and how I feel about myself. I'm going to wear more dresses and skirts rather than living in my jeans all the time, and do more make up than just mascara. I was about to write 'sleep more' but as its nearly 4am as I write this, I feel hypocritical.

I like to think I have a pretty solid plan now on how I am going to earn some money, starting with a website and maybe an etsy store to gather customers. I feel that my manga/anime obsession is fading fast, so I'm going to try and get obsessed with crafts before something else that is less beneficial to my finances can sneak in, like learning the didgeridoo, or model aeroplane building.

I do cook on regular occasion, and when I do clean, I make sure it is done well, but I don't do it enough. I'm going to cook more varied meals (see point 1), and try to keep the house in a better state. I feel the best way to do this would be to lock my father in the shed with the rowing machine, but while this would likely make everyone happier, its not really feasible, so I'll just have to tidy up after him. Men.

Yes, I am aware that I do this more than most I know already, what with twitter and the blogs, and dailybooth to a lesser extent, and tumblr and facebook even less, but I'm starting a diary too. Just for the mundane everyday things, like 'went to cinema' or 'tidied room', and what films I watched. I might keep a counter at the end of this blog actually. I liked having a counter at the end of my blogs. On a related note, I want to blog more, on both here for my emotional shit and general blah blah blahing, but also on tumblr for anything that I find that I want to share. Ive linked everything to feel free to stalk me if you aren't already. I figure if you are reading this, it cant really get any more personal.

I was just told by my mother to go to sleep or I wont be able to go to Hatton in the morning, and as I don't want to miss out on fudge, I'm going sign off here.

Wish me luck with all my resolutions, and good luck with yours!

<3 x

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