Friday, 20 January 2012


One of my resolutions this year was to eat better. Part of this was to eat less bread and cheese. Not cut it out completely, that would be impossible, but to basically limit my bread/carb and cheese consumption to one serving a day.

Basically everything I have eaten today consists of bread and cheese. I had cheese toasties for lunch, and then pizza and garlic bread for dinner.

I feel gross, but it was soo good.

I can see Fridays being my bad days, as this is the only day that what I eat is almost completely out of my control.

Its just a shame that these two foods are probably my favourite things to eat, especially as a comfort food. During the BBC filming I pretty much survived off cheese toasties.

School went well today, apparently. People, namely Jon, keep telling me that I am doing really well, that I explain everything really clearly and patiently, and that the kids are really engaged with what I am doing with them. I cant say that I see it so positively. Sure, they aren't refusing to do it or complaining or anything, but I don't think I know enough to show them anything they can really get enthused about. I felt like I struggled quite a lot today, so I guess I should take it as a compliment that I was the only one that noticed it.

I guess it doesn't help that the more people compliment me, the less I tend to believe it.

So now I have a weekend of buying supplies and doing research for next week's sessions. I should probably go see my nan as well, seeing as I haven't spoken to her let alone been to see her since before Christmas. I see one grandmother 4 days a week, and the other probably 4 days every six months. I'm such a good and consistent granddaughter.

<3 x

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