Thursday, 26 January 2012


Seeing as I only have minutes before midnight to post this, and I need to write up a load of invoices as well as hopefully watch Secret Garden before I go to sleep, this will be a hastily written and unedited post.

For the first time, my friends and I partook in a Zumba class this evening. Everyone raves about this new take on exercise, I can't say I have ever particularly been intrigued enough to try it out, but I want to get fitter, I enjoy class exercise more than self motivated exercise, and Rachey had a class starting at her school, so we all pretty much thought 'Ah, why not.' Then I realised that it was a perfect opportunity to embarrass my oldest friend, and talked the others into dressing up like twats with head bands and legwarmers, which was not hard to do. Well, it was harder to talk Elle into it, but even she just went along with it resignedly. I guess she is used to us by now.

The class itself was OK. Mostly I felt like a prat, and I'm pretty sure that the others did too. With the exception of Elle, who managed to look like a ballerina while the rest of us lolloped around like hippos. I can't say I feel particularly enthused about the prospect of going back, and I still don't see what all the fuss is about, but it is exercise I guess and you do feel like you have done a work out, but I guess the true test will be tomorrow.

<3 x

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