Wednesday, 10 April 2013


Yes, I missed a day. No, I didn't catch it up.

But I figure it's okay, I'll finish Rooftop Prince soon and I can just post my review and a normal post on the same day. Sorted.

Had Wagamama's Saien Soba for the first time in ages today. I was a little bit disappointed. I just wanted something light and fresh, rather than the stodge of sticky rice and greasiness of anything deep fried, but I wish I had gone for the Yasai Katsu instead. That's the problem with Saien Soba, you get full but you don't really feel satisfied. Too healthy I guess.

Saw a woman put a croissant in one of those rotary toaster things today and it set on fire. Like, ridiculously fast. How can something that bearly warms and rarely toasts bread set fire to something else. I guess that's just an indication of how bad croissants really are for you.

Fun fact - the smell croissants make me feel poorly. Along with the vegetarian thing, this is something my father has yet to pick up upon.

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