Friday, 12 April 2013

Post Review

So, I just wrote my review post, and now I have turned off my laptop and light and settled down to blog in the dark, like I normally do. This is why we get such a high concentration of sleep posts. It's hard not to fall asleep when your lying down in the dark, especially when you're trying not to.

School today, and for once, the room wasn't like an igloo and I didn't turn to ice. I'm not quite sure if that's a sign of spring or whether they have just figured out how to turn the radiators on. I then came home and ate left over Pizza Hut, which was amazing but at 4 o'clock kind if ruined my appetite for the rest of the day. Now, it's 2am and I'm kind of hungry.

I meant to do some work today, but ended up just sending some emails and taking a few phone calls instead. Must do better tomorrow.

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