Holy crap. It's June.
How did that happen? Where did the year go? It's crazy.
You know how people always make New Year's Resolutions on the 1st of January? Well, I am going to make Half Year Resolutions on the 1st of June.
My New Year Resolutions for the first half of the year were to "drink more water, get up earlier, exercise more, help around the house, and be a better person ...".
Shockingly enough, my Half Year resolutions are to drink more water, get up earlier, exercise more, help around the house, and be a better person. But this time I have a plan ... and motives!
Drink more water - starting with downing a bottle of water that I keep by the side of my bed first thing every morning. Then, a pint with each meal, so brunch and dinner. And that's not even counting tea.
Get up earlier - I have been waking up earlier for a while. Now to get up rather than staying stubbornly in bed because I don't need to be up.
Exercise more - I'm pretty much into my routine of doing the blogilates squat challenge every night now. But I need to start hooping in the morning to slim my waist to fit into my bridesmaid dress in September, and maybe a couple of other work out videos a week won't hurt.
Help around the house - Pretty self explanatory
Be a better person - I just need to be nicer.
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