Monday, 10 June 2013


IIf you don't want to read a whiny post about my sunburn, then stop reading here. 

Yeah, so I felt pretty shitty yesterday. But I thought it would wear off a little overnight and I would just be left with normal sunburn; a little hot and uncomfortable, but manageable.

I woke up, and decided to have a oat bath to cool and calm my skin. I got out of bed, and it was like knives shooting down my shins. I screamed, I cried, I came clean to my mum. She helped me back on to my bed, because I was sort of routed to the spot in pure agony, and we covered my legs in e45.

And that's pretty much been my day. Constantly top ups of e45, or another after sun or moisturiser product, a cool oat bath and a cool shower, and hobbling around. I did take advantage of being bed ridden to do some paperwork though ... And watch 3 episodes of Lost.

My legs have swelled something chronic, especially my knees and ankles. I've put up some photos somewhere, god knows where on this blogger app. One is yesterday, straight after we got home, and the other is today.  I don't think the photo really shows it, but they're about 50% bigger than before. 

I'm just praying that I can make it to work tomorrow. I think it will be a case of putting my game face on and smiling through the pain, maybe making up a little white lie about a pulled muscle to explain why I'm walking funny. 

I'm also praying that I don't have to go to hospital. 

Sigh. Still kicking myself.

I'm so stupid. 

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