So, this is a bit of a new experience for me. It's half 2 in the morning, I've just got home, and as you can imagine, I can't really be bothered to blog right now. But I am dedicated to BEDA this time around, so I will post something before I go to sleep no matter what. However, I can't be bothered turning on my laptop, as I know I will be too tempted to watch some Tokyo Dogs, or read some Toraware no Minou or whatever the manga I'm reading right now is called, so I'm posting this from my iPhone.
Its weird. I'm not even going to go back and edit this post, I just hope auto correct catches my mess ups and doesn't embarrass me too much with any mess ups of it's own. Anyone with an iPhone has had at least one auto correct fail, right?
What interesting news have I got to share? Not much, really. I still feel stuffed from the curry me and Inki made this evening, and we got a good start on planning Rachey's and Jon's weekend away. My only issue is I want to keep the costs down as much as possible, because even though I want them to have the experience and enjoy themselves, I dont have unlimited funds, and I'm a little concerned about how much it's all going to cost.
I hate having to worry about money. But the only way I can solve this issue is to give up on my dreams of working in film and get any job that I can. I just want so much to try and make this career work while I still have the freedom to be able to gove it a go, when pretty much the only person I have to answer to is myself. On the other hand, though, my interest free over draft is running out very soon, which sucks. I didn't realise how much I relied on it being interest free until I realised it wouldn't be for much longer!
I have now reached the point where I have no idea what I have written, and I can't be bothered to go back and find out because this editor is bloody difficult on an iPhone. So I'm going to bed now.
It's still Tuesday until I have been asleep, ok? So BEDA is still going strong.
<3 x
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