Tuesday, 19 April 2011

This post contains (brackets)

I very nearly forgot about blogging today.

That's the first time its happened so far this month, which I think is pretty impressive. I was just on YouTube (fangirling, obviously, mostly on interviews of Kyuhyun and Ryeowook. I haven't watched any of my subscriptions for about 2 weeks) when it suddenly dawned on me.....

....and that's as far as I got with writing this post before I resumed fangirling (brought about by the need to check the spelling of Kyuhyun and Ryeowook's names). That was an hour ago. It's like an addiction.

It was soooo hot today. I can't get over the fact that its APRIL. This has always been my favourite time of year, and its just made so much more lovely with the warm sun rather than the not-warm-but-not-cold temperature and showering rain we normally have in the spring. All the new things come out in spring; blossom, bluebells, lambs, ducklings .... you know, the pretty and cute things.
Credit to whoever owns this photo, I just found it on google

This morning I woke up outrageously hungry for all the wrong things, which is always awesome. So after I had done my housework (my dad told me today that I was getting obsessive, SO WHY DOESN'T HE TIDY UP AFTER HIMSELF, THEN?), Inki and I went for a walk around the lakes again, and had a play on the swings.  I made friends with a little boy who was sometimes Edward, sometimes Ben 10, and the rest of the time, an alien. And his bear, who had a name that I didn't understand in the first place, so I definitely cant remember it now. He told me the secret of how Jesus came back to life, but I promised I would only tell my mum and dad, so I cant tell you that it was a miracle because he could talk to God. Oh, and he also ran to China and back super fast, which was impressive. Anyway, this (mostly one sided) discussion was followed by an ice cream (and a callipo/coke, and a pack of salt and vinegar french fries, and a twirl). We'd escaped from Edward/Ben 10/Alien by that point, I feel I should point out, who had gone back to his dad. We didn't take him with us to get ice cream (and consequent crap), as that would be ... well just weird. First thing you learn at school; don't steal children.

I do love kids though, they amuse me no end. I think I'm pretty good with them too, bearing in mind I'm the youngest of all my family and my experience of children tended to extend to only those in the years below me at school.

I really hope I get to have my own kids one day.

<3 x

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