Saturday, 9 April 2011


It's another beautiful day. The sun is shining and it's warm enough to go outside not just without a coat, but also in just a vest top (trousers or a skirt is also advisable). These sorts of days are rare here in the UK, and its unlikely that this little spell of sun and warmth will last before the April showers kick in, and its cold and wet again.

As such, we English take full advantage of the opportunity absorb as much vitamin D as we possibly can.

Inki is at the beach.

Robinson is having a family BBQ.

Polson is getting her pool ready for the summer.

I am sat in my room with my bare legs in the small patch of sun light coming in through my window. Awesome.

Its not that I don't appreciate the pleasant weather we are having. I love being able to go outside without a million layers on. I love feeling the sun's warmth on my skin, but never getting too hot like you do on holiday. I love wearing skirts and dresses without feeling over dressed. I love seeing tiny wisps of clouds in a startling blue sky rather than the usual mass of grey.

But, you know, my laptop cable doesn't reach outside, and even if it did, or I was to go on battery power, I wouldn't be able to see the screen properly.

I am really enjoying Tokyo Dogs so far, the first episode was absolutely hilarious. But I'll tell you more about what I thought of it when I have finished the series. It just makes me so sad that Mizushima gave up acting. He is so hot talented.

I worry that I am a little too old to be as much of a fangirl as I am. I mean, just because I mentioned Mizushima, I googled him and watched two videos of him speaking English. I fangirl over any new Japanese actors I come across, reading their wikipedia pages and google imaging them.  I fangirl excessively over SuJu (I even call them SuJu). Last Night I spent about three hours on YouTube watching video after video, and it isn't the first time I have done it.

One video was an English lesson, and it was so cute. They don't know every day phrases as well as they know things such as 'I love you' etc that they would use with fans. So the teacher asked them to role play meeting someone for the first time, and the first thing that was said was 'You are gorgeous', and then the teacher told them not to say that because it would be weird, and had to teach them about personal space. I laughed a lot. Here is the video if you are so inclined to watch. Its funniest from about 3 mins onwards. 'English Tip: when meeting a foreigner for the first time, dont touch their body.' HAHAHAHAHA I wouldnt mind.

I got carried away. I find it hard to restrain myself. Sorry.

I think its because I never did this sort of thing when most people go through their fangirl stage during their teens. I never had posters on my walls that weren't film posters or kittens. I was never particularly bothered about music, especially the boy bands everyone else fawned over. I never had a crush on a celebrity.

I'm just making up for it now.

With interest.

<3 x

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