Wednesday 29 May 2013


I think two catch up posts in one night is a little too much, so maybe I'll do my BB cream post tomorrow. I've taken photos and everything, but I'm just so inexplicably shattered that I physically can't write that post tonight.

Today was meant to be started with a bridal fitting with one of the teachers at school, and the rest of the day spent tidying my work room and setting everything back to rights. But it was raining, so I only did the fitting part.

I did work out my expenses for this month though. I spend too much. I would have broken even this month if my car hadn't needed parts. It's just ridiculous how a dinner out here and a trip to the shops there turns into hundreds of pounds over a month. I really need to do the eBay thing seriously again, and stop having a social life that costs money.

Also, if my car could stop breaking, that would be great.

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