Tuesday 7 May 2013

The Manor

Yeah I missed a post. A post I actually had planned as well. But, seeing as I can't be bothered to double post tonight, you just get today's.

Went to Drayton Manor today for the first time in at least 6 years. It hasn't changed much. Same rides, same .... umm there's not much else other than rides. It was amazing how long the queues were for the kids rides as opposed to the big thrill rides. I guess today was family day and we all missed the memo.

But now, my legs ache from standing up all day, although that might be the squat challenge I just did, and I've been feeling weird and a bit sick ever since before the last ride. I have a feeling it's too much sun, not enough water, and not enough actual nutrition.

Cos, you know, I'm in my mid 20's now and these things affect old people.

I'm also starting to put on my tummy again without having the not eating thing going on, so it's back to the hoop and squats full time so I can build it up properly by the time I need it, for my sisters wedding. I'm guessing my brother in law has lots of hot, well to do farmer friends that might not mind meeting me.

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