Saturday, 13 January 2018


I didn't make any new year resolutions this year, as they seemed kind of pointless. You only break them anyway, so why bother? Normally, if I do make them, I post about them here, as a form of accountability. They are always the same. Eat healthy. Drink more water. Do more exercise. 

The resolutions of millions, and the ones most easily ignored and most quickly dropped and forgotten about. 

This year, the first of January was a Monday. New year, new month and new week. Prime time to make a change. 

So I though, yeah, I could try to be healthier - cut down on the bread, use the rowing machine ... but then because it wasn't a resolution, it didn't matter when I didn't even try. So me trying to be healthier this year got as far as me thinking about it. I have managed to drink 2 litres of red bush tea a day though, so that's a start. 

I've thought and not acted about a few other things too, the main one being setting aside an hour every day for language study. I haven't even opened an app, let alone a textbook. They're all set up and ready though, note pad and coloured pens at the ready ... gathering dust but there none the less. 

Does this mean a new year do over? No. Does it mean I'm going to try to do better? Not necessarily. It means that I am aware of my lack of will power. That doesn't mean I'm any less unhappy about my lack of progress though. 

But sometimes, it's more important to take baby steps and celebrate the small successes. Little and often is more likely to turn into habit than taking on everything all at once. 

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