Wednesday, 17 January 2018


Agi just knocked my deodorant off my bedside table and into the bin. I better remember to get it back out. She's also covered in dust, because she gets into places I can't reach. You know that's a massive lie. What I really mean is that she goes in places that I can't be bothered to dust. Which is fine, because now she is doing it for me. My bedside lamps have never looked so shiny.

I was thinking the other day, I restarted this blog because my old posts amused me so much. I don't know whether I've changed or whether they're too recent, but I feel as if my posts lately aren't as fun. I feel like they're all a bit depressing really.

I was also thinking about how often I regret not thinking before I speak. You see, I'm an open person, I tell everyone everything. Which is fine until you tell people something you don't want to share, or tell something to someone you didn't want to share it with. Sometimes it's just a bit embarrassing, oversharing when no one really needs that amount of detail , like when I told ALL of my colleagues exactly what the gynaecological operation I was having would entail while waiting for a taxi home from the Christmas party. Sometimes it's telling someone something that I'd promised myself that I would keep to private. A lot of the time though, it's the stuff that's going through my head that doesn't need to be, and absolutely shouldn't be, heard by anyone else.  All happen to me more than I wish they would. Sometimes, my inner thoughts need to stay in my head. I think it's something I need to work on. Think before you speak, Heather.

I'm going to book end this post with my cat. I was starting to think she was going to settle down and sleep next to me, which would have been so sweet, but actually she was just stalking my hand. I know this because she's currently hanging off it while I try to type.

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