Sunday, 14 January 2018

Wasted Weekends

I've just noticed that Agi has scratched a very clear 'A' into my hand. I'm going to take this as a sign that she approves of her name.

I'm feeling a bit woozy from having had my bath too hot. It was one of those baths where it's lovely but you have to stick an arm or leg out because it's too hot otherwise, and where you have to sit back down on the edge of the bath as soon as you stand up because you suddenly don't feel very stable. I try to have my baths hot because I know it's supposed to be good for my gynae issues, but also because I think it's good for my skin, sweating out the impurities or something. I might be wrong, maybe it's awful for me, but then how is a cold bath relaxing? Cold baths just remind me of crippling sunburn ....

My whole weekend has been leading up to this bath. Other than that, all I did was order some food shopping, change and move the cat litter out of the living room, and move her bowls into the kitchen. I saw no one. I didn't leave the house. My hair was a state and I wore comfy clothes.

This is the reality of living alone and being a combination of incredibly lazy and introverted.

For others, a wasted weekend means they went out, drunk themselves silly and then spent Sunday with a hangover.

For people like me, a wasted weekend means spending two days having accomplished absolutely zilch.

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