Monday 4 October 2010


A close friend of mine is currently vacationing in Singapore. I never really understood why she decided to go there; although its a name I'm familiar with, I don't really know much about the country, and my assumptions were always less than positive. For example, I always assumed it was one of the poorer Asian countries, less developed than China or Japan, without much to draw people there.

However, I just googled it, and I have to admit, I'm surprised. Not only its it far more socially advanced than I had assumed, it is also far less cultural.

By this, I don't mean to imply for a second that Singapore doesn't have it own culture, but rather that its culture is much less Singaporean than I had imagined. Instead, from what I have read, it is a more a mix of British, Chinese, and Indian influences. Its main language is English, rather than its native Malay. In fact, over 42% of the population aren't even native to the country. For a country that has only been independent for 45 years, it doesn't seem that individual to me.

I'm not sure what the point of this post is. I guess I just wanted to share my findings. Mostly, I'm surprised that she chose Singapore over Thailand. I know where I would rather go.



<3 x

Manga: 37 (Kaichou ep 9, rereading Desire Climax ch 37)
Last Google Search: Singapore (no shit)

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