Saturday 3 January 2015


So I've had this stinking cold since the start of December. 

It started with just a normal cold. It started getting better then I got another one, just days before Christmas, which has yet to fully go. I thought it was just a little snot and a cough that was lingering, but last night and today I feel like I've been punched in the face. Fingers crossed it's just congestion from the last one rather than a new one. That would suck.

I'm in London at the moment. The boy is working, so I've spent the day in bed watching films feeling sorry for my face. But I think we're heading out in a bit to get an extra Xbox controller and some Lego games so we can actually play together for once. We did think about doing a couples games play because it'd be really amusing watching me and someone who actually knows what they're doing play together. I'll keep you posted. 

I don't quite know how to end these any more. I need to think of some sort of witty catchphrase. Like 'see you later, Roger' or 'peace out bitches'. Suggestions welcome, regular readers that probably gave up on checking this blog about a year ago. 

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