Sunday 17 March 2013


Yesterday, I was complaining about how I was somewhere with good Internet but no phone signal. Tonight, I'm somewhere with good phone signal but no Internet. Swings and roundabouts, here in the depths of the countryside.

I'm really sleepy, but my discomfort is making me not able to settle down. I keep thinking I need to go to the toilet.

Watched 127 hours tonight. Finally. It was okay. Not as horrific as I thought, but also not as exciting. Don't get me wrong, it's an inspiring story, but I can't help but feel like it was made into a film purely for the sake of it.

My tooth pain is now also turning into earpain, so that sucks. I have also got to stop typing with my eyes closed.

EDIT - this was written at 2 am, and then I couldn't post it due to afore mentioned lack of internet. So you get it now.

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