Tuesday 14 May 2013


I'm so sick of this effing steroid spray. It leaves a horrible taste dribbling down the back of my throat and it doesn't seem to be making the slightest bit of difference to my ears. In fact, I strongly suspect GP's get a commission on drugs brought through their prescriptions, and I was only prescribed this because it sounded fancy and cost a lot of money.

My mum has always said she thought my ear trouble was an anxiety thing. At first, I thought she was probably right, especially when it started in the middle of the BBC drama shoot. But then I started to get it in non-stressful situations, such as going outside, and so I thought it must be something more than just simple anxiety. Now, I am starting to think she was right again, and everything just makes me anxious, whether it occurs subconsciously or not.

I googled, obviously, and found that magnesium is supposed to help. Something about a deficiency unbalancing something or other and making mental health problems worse. If I can get a bit more magnesium into my diet, and it makes my ear thing go away, I figure I don't have anything to loose.

So, from now on, I get to eat more BRAN!! And FLAX SEED!! And sunflower seeds, cashew nuts, edamame, green leafy vegetables and all that healthy, whole grain jazz. But the best one is CHOCOLATE! Apparently, cocoa (co-co-ah) has high magnesium content, and the darker the better. We all know I'm a dairy milk girl, but I can deal with some high cocoa content dark chocolate in the name of good health.

Obviously, the easier option would be to take supplements, but my mum, who used to be all for them, advised against it. I could also have epsom salt baths, go to a science lab and lick some, or drink milk of magnesia by the litre, but I think I'll try the snack food approach first.

I guess I should learn relaxation techniques too. You know, for when I leave the house, make dinner or go to work and need to stop feeling so unconsiously stressed out about it.

Ah this is so ridiculous!

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