Wednesday 29 May 2013


I don't even know where to start with this post. Crazy, absolutely crazy ... and I'm so glad I got to be a part of it.

So Friday started with a very early drive down to London, picking up the creator and her partner and heading to Excel, which is basically to London what the NEC is to Birmingham. After a bit of faffing because we weren't on the normal lists, we managed to get in, find our space and set up our table. It looked pretty good, even if I do say so myself. Then I donned a tshirt, the cast showed up, and finally, the doors opened.

I didn't expect to feel so weird for not being dressed up. I knew there would be cosplayers, and I knew there would be a lot of them, but I didn't know that not being one of them would be so ... abnormal. It was almost like you didn't exist. There was even Tsubasa cosplayers, which was incredible. The costumes were amazing, and I felt utterly ashamed. Some of these people had more talent and had put more effort into their outfits than I have ever done for my costumes.

The Friday seemed crazy at the time, but it was ridiculously quiet compared to Saturday. I left the table maybe once to pee, and I definitely didn't eat. The next day I was supplied with free food from the VIP room early, so I didn't really have an excuse.

I went into sales person mode, and basically took control of the table so that everyone else could go and have a look around every so often. I wasn't bothered that I couldn't, it was far too busy and at least I could have a chair behind the table every so often. I've always been good at selling people into buying stuff, but everyone else seemed shocked. I think they all see me as this quiet, shy girl who takes a while to come out of her shell, and they couldn't understand where I got the confidence from to not only talk to all these random strangers, but to also convince them to give me their money. I don't know either, really. I think its my geminian side, I can just switch to a different personality. Like an actor.

We had 4 people separately come dressed up as characters from the show. That was crazy. People who had paid such close attention to my designs that they wanted to replicate them. They got pretty close too. I'm still just so overwhelmed.

I don't know what else to say. It was so intense, and seeing the fans was incredible. I got referred to by name, and asked to sign autographs. Me. It's crazy.

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