Thursday 23 February 2012

iPhone post. My laptop has decided to be stupidly slow once again, and me being the impatient person that I am, have decided to see whether I can write a whole post in the time it takes firefox to unfreeze.

To be fair, I'm letting my laptop off this time. Normally its just slow because it has no memory, but this time I strongly suspect it's playing up because I am currently transferring over all of my photos to my shiny new external hard drive.

Yup, I finally brought one. Constantly getting low memory warnings was getting super boring, especially when no matter what I deleted, I still didn't have enough memory to NOT have low memory any more. I haven't been able to actually do anything such as update my iPhone (I'm still on IOS4) or add more music or what have you for months. Well, almost. Kpop has now taken over my music collection as for every new song I wanted, I had to delete an old one. Now, all of my music is obscure, I have no mainstream music whatsoever. YAY!

Firefox beat me.

Did you know the firefox isn't a fox? It's a red panda. OMGFacts told me that. I learn a lot from OMGFacts.

You know, the funny thing is that all these photos are years old. I said yesterday I have no recent pictures of my family and friends, and I didnt just mean on my iPhone. I haven't taken photos for ages, most of my albums going across to shiny external are from 2006 to 2009. Apparently when I finished uni I stopped being sentimental. Before that, even, as I don't even have photos of my graduation, any christmases since 2007, or any birthdays since my 19th. I have more birthday albums of other people than
I do of my own.

The moral of this post is YAY I get to update my iPhone, and
I should document my life more photographically.

<3 x

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