Thursday 14 June 2012

Electric Shock

I am hoping that Laptop overheating issues are now a problem of the past, thanks to my brand spanking new cooling laptop tray ^^. It's got fans built in and has space underneath for the air to circulate, and a semi squidgy base that may not be a bean bag like I'm used to, but still rather comfortable. So far, I'm rather impressed.

My mum got it for me, and I have just managed to watch an entire episode of My Princess without it turning itself off! In fact, I just felt the bottom, and instead of the blistering heat I am used to being emitted from the base of my laptop, it is now nice and cool, even though its been on and in use for a good couple of hours.

The only negative thing I have picked up on is that it has made me realise that my lap in uneven. For some reason, as I am semi lying in bed with the tray and laptop on my hips, it is quite obviously higher on one side than the other. Seeing as the tray itself looks perfectly symmetrical, I can only assume that my right hip sticks out further than my left. So that's just peachy.

<3 x

P.S. I realise to most this will seem a pointless post ... BUT YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH OF A PROBLEM OVERHEATING WAS FOR ME! IT WOULDN'T LAST HALF AN HOUR AT THE BEST OF TIMES. Now if only I could figure out how to break Laptop out of zombie mode ...

P.P.S. The title is f(x)'s new song. It's OK. I'm not in love with it, but I never am totally enamoured with f(x). I keep an eye on them because I like Amber ... and I want to see if they ever turn her into a girl.

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