Tuesday 12 June 2012


Aish! I've gotten really rubbish at posting every day over these last few weeks.

Granted, sometimes I have valid reasons, such as the hen night, or the wedding weekend, but the rest of the time it literally doesn't cross my mind until the next morning, or even a couple of evenings after.

Bad blogger.

The hen night was awesome. We pratted around in a posh hotel, ate a posh meal ... and then went t' pub. I am mostly proud of myself for drinking cocktails, wine and disaranno through out the night WITHOUT throwing up. Maybe, finally, I am capable of getting drunk without vomiting first! Not that this is particularly a good thing. I always forget how shitty alcohol makes you feel about yourself after you have gotten past the happy tipsy phase.  

*COUGH* It also makes you kiss boys you have absolutely no interest in just 'cos your friends told you that you had to ... although it was mostly because the guy told you it was the price of a drink. *COUGH*  Hmmmmm ... what?

Somehow, I ended up with more alcohol in the boot of my car the next day than I arrived with. My friends and I then pushed my car around the car park for a bit, because we're cool and that's just how we roll.

Ummm ... I feel like this is a very alcohol centred post.

Don't drink, kids.

It's highly overrated.

Get high on sugar instead. It doesn't come with a hangover.

<3 x

P.S. In other news, I am literally constantly singing Monster by Big Bang at the moment ... but only the last line ... repeatedly. So, if you hear me doing so, don't worry, it is not a hint.

P.P.S. I love how you search Monster on YouTube and Big Bang comes up before Kanye or Gaga. See how kpop is spreading?! It's a shame its a ... umm lets just say strange ... video though. I'll stick with Fantastic Baby.

P.P.P.S. Kinda hooked on My Princess ... I'm on episode 5 already.

P.P.P.P.S. Ahhh only joking, you can go now.

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