Friday 15 June 2012

La Di Da Di

I was really struggling to think of something to blog about today, and then I decided to watch Cross Gene's debut MV. I have the album and will contentedly admit to being a little addicted to the song, but I've only watched the video once, although now I'm not sure why I haven't watched it more. It is freaking hilarious.

First, the guy at the beginning ... something very sinister about him. I think its the eyes. But when he says 'but I just cannot get my eyes off of you' he actually looks like he might kill someone.

I just can't get your eyes off of me ... literally ... because I gouged them out of your head.

Although the guy in the pink jacket is really pretty... when he is horizontal. Vertical, not so much.


I do enjoy the sitting down dance, especially when they all start doing spirit fingers. I tried to screencap it, but it turns out it doesn't look as funny when its not moving.

 Sparkle Sparkle!

I also enjoy how everyone puts on their super serious face.


Hats off to them for not coming across as completely gay with those lyrics though, especially to sing the title words  'la di da di'. I mean, really? ... Although don't think I  missed the little flounce by the guy at the back at 1.23.

However, all of this you can forgive, and even readily accept from a kpop video ... until they start doing the bear claw dance. Other dance moves of note include the Zombie and the Texan Shooter. I mean, I'm pretty used to this sort of thing by now, but even that made me o_O.


In general, I love the song and the video is hilarious, so well done AMUSE KOREA for making Cross Gene live up to your name.

<3 x

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